From time to time, they figure, they need to give hope to the masses, just to get them going towards their daily jobs, and move the economy a freakin’ inch or two closer to whatever it is they predicted. But their plans are all messed up and none of them seem motivational enough, so they scrap everything and start from nil. It is a frustrating job, this endless planning, but someone has to do it, and why not if it keeps you from becoming a rock every time the hum comes. A wall of boredom is known to hit them when the rest of the world dies for a few hours, but it is nothing a few gulps of home-made liquor won’t cure. Some of them pretend to read something, “for educational purposes” they say, but it is well-known that they are simply scared. Who knows what a mouth can blurt out when it is drunk? A few wrong words here, a few wrong words there, and you are out of the joint, and in the middle of the street, becoming a rock like everyone else. They have cameras everywhere, but they don’t really need them. There is always someone that doesn’t like you around, and they always have good ears for information like this. Some people are so well-informed of the others’ intentions they don’t have to hear anything. You lie down on the silk sofa in front of the monitors and you receive this strange message that you’re called by management for good. Those who have questioned the leadership are nowhere around to pass their experience to the younger ones. The most rebellious are marked even after they are thrown out, always in a different manner. If you ever see a big piece of rock set in the middle of a street with a thick coat of pink paint smudged across, you know this guy said something terribly bad in front of the monitors. “It’s for motivational purposes,” they say, before bursting in laughter the size of Saturn.
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