Meteor showers spray through the eye of a stray dog, lighting up the sky with the fierceness of a chimera gone wild. For a wink, these showers could pass for the real thing, but it’s obvious as the crystal shards fall flat on the ground and we see them for the human remains they are. It’s s a new kind of warfare this, where no politician hides behind his people. In fact, the new fire guns use the people themselves as bullets and cannonballs. Just because they’re broken, it doesn’t mean they cannot be useful. So, we get these 2 AM pretend meteor showers made of screams, fired up in the air as warning shots from our neighbors. Well, the dull anchorman from the plasma screen says we only have one neighbor we need to be afraid of, but I know better, you know better, everyone knows better. We’re all each other neighbors and there’s no stopping us. The Big Hum is opening somewhere and we can already feel the rock tissue pushing in on us. Let the showers begin.
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